Bovine Lactoferrin Activity Against Chikungunya and Zika Viruses

Given the huge burden that Chikungunya and Zika fevers impose to public health in the affected countries and the lack of effective interventions against them, the aim of this work was to evaluate the antiviral potential of bovine lactoferrin (bLf) – an iron-binding glycoprotein with broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties – in both CHIKV and ZIKV infections. The general antiviral activity of bLf was assessed by plaque assays, and the inhibitory effects of the protein on specific stages of virus infecion was evaluated by immunofluorescence and nucleic acid quantification assays. Our data show that bLf exerts a dose-dependent strong inhibitory effect on the infection of Vero cells by the aforementioned arboviruses, reducing their infection efficiency in up to nearly 80%, with no significant cytotoxicity, and such antiviral activity occurs at the levels of binding and replication of the virus particles. Taken together, these findings reveal that bLf antimicrobial properties are extendable to CHIKV and ZIKV, underlining a generic inhibition mechanism that can be explored to develop a potential strategy against their infections.


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34 replies
  1. andrew langham says:

    2 grams of Bovine Lactoferrin oral capsules per day taken for 10 months kills the zika virus in vivo and is safe during pregnancy’ its available without prescription at

  2. andrew langham says:

    P7C3A20 given with interleukin 2 growth hormone and lactoferrin reverses microcephaly;

    Note;- bovine lactoferrin binds to the main zika protein that makes up the Zika virus tertiary amino lipid coating, regardless of pH, and locks these proteins into place, preventing the structural re-arangement changes required for the fusion step of infection. Without fusion of the virus to the 1st stage endosome, viral RNA’ DNA is prevented from entering the golgi apparatus for reproduction, and infection is blocked. this is why high sustained doses of bovine lactoferrin are required to substantiate protection within all cell membranes throughout the entire body;

  3. andrew langham says:

    Mosquito and Tick and Tetsy fly and Sand fly’s Saliva Vaccine MSV’ update 2017; liquidize a multiplicity of female mosquito’s that are not carrying malaria phal’ plasmodium or zika or any’ other diseases’ then insert in bovine blood albumin! result the antibodies that are produced will then react to mosquito saliva which contains a nerve blocking agent that also works like viagra’ it opens and widens blood vessels’ called Phentolamine example note; the mosquito Phentolamine contained in the mosquito saliva, I am a Christian and this process will truthfully make a Zika ‘Malaria that reacts to the mosquito saliva vaccine, that is safe and cost effective and could be taken as an oral small tablet as often as needed, as would not be toxic! one tablet should provide immunity for life; the malaria parasite phal plasmodium that the MHC 1 & 2 will react to the insect that is partially conjugated with the parasite MHC 1&2 will instigate an immediate macrophage surge that will engulf the invasive Phentolamine carrying malaria parasite sporozoites’ before they get to the liver, thus, then has no time to propagate the infusion; once roaming class MHC 1&2 macrophages engulf the malaria antigen then the B cell immunity will remember the invasive organism process and provide permanent defensive action, mimicking what occurs naturally in adult people in area’s where mosquitoes are prevalent.

  4. andrew langham says:

    Mosquito and Tick and Tetsy fly and Sand fly’s Saliva Vaccine MSV’ update march 2017; liquidize a multiplicity of female mosquito’s that are not carrying malaria phal’ plasmodium or zika or any’ other diseases’ then insert in bovine blood albumin! result the antibodies that are produced will then react to mosquito saliva which contains a nerve blocking agent that also works like viagra’ it opens and widens blood vessels’ called Phentolamine example note; the mosquito Phentolamine contained in the mosquito saliva, I am a Christian and this process will truthfully make an effective Zika ‘Malaria vaccine that reacts to the mosquito saliva , that is safe and cost effective and could be taken as an oral small tablet as often as needed, as would not be toxic! one tablet should provide immunity for life; the malaria parasite phal plasmodium that the MHC 1 & 2 will react to the insect that is partially conjugated with the parasite MHC 1&2 will instigate an immediate macrophage surge that will engulf the invasive Phentolamine carrying malaria parasite sporozoites’ before they get to the liver, thus, then has no time to propagate the infusion; once roaming class MHC 1&2 macrophages engulf the malaria antigen then the B cell immunity will remember the invasive organism process and provide permanent defensive action, mimicking what occurs naturally in adult people in area’s where mosquitoes are prevalent.

  5. andrew langham says:

    Brazil more than 80% of all ZIKA infections and 90% of microcephaly cases proceed from states in the northeast region of the country. exactly geographically where in 2015 is just when Wolbachia bacteria impregnated mosquito’s bacteria was being introduced in order to lessen Dengue fever’ approved by the world health organisation and the Brazil government; they did not realize that Wolbachia bacteria deposit toxins that cause neuron alteration in mosquito semen and so through the pathology of the mosquito mating with a female mosquito the wolbachia toxin is then carried in the saliva of said female which then bites a human and the wolbachia toxin has then ability to reside and alter human sperm’ note;- its sheer coincidence that zika being the recognizable prominent disease acting simultaneously and it does indeed accentuates the wolbachia toxin RNA disruption that causes the microcephaly cases; causing such varied mental degradation and bodily trauma in new born children;

  6. andrew langham says:

    cifA and cifB genes in wolbachia bacteria knockout ubiquitin that controls proteasomes cell cleaning in mosquito neurons’ especially semen’ which are mobile neurons note;- after such faulty RNA caused by the Zika virus’ note wolbachia toxins are deposited in some neuron cells and are also not removed by the absent proteasomes as they should be’ these infected neurons get passed to the female mosquito during mating and are carried in her saliva’ consequently she bites a human and so the zika virus amino chain and wolbachia affected mosquito neurons have the ability to alter human sperm neurons thus causing microcephaly in the offspring when the man mates with his female partner who then become pregnant;

  7. andrew langham says:

    zika amino acids combined with wolbachia toxins cause the wolbachia CifA & CifB to block the host cell cycle by stabilizing the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors
    p21waf1 and p27kip which causes an action similar to deubiquitinase causing proteasomes to be become inactive especially in protein p53 thus the wolbachia toxin entangled zika amino chains corrupts the RNA thus through complex reproduction pathology previously explained’ the male RNA infected sperm then causes microcephaly in the pregnant females offspring new born children;

  8. andrew langham says:

    2 grams of Bovine Lactoferrin oral capsules per day for 12 months clears all viruses from neurons’ is safe during pregnancy but most medical establishment’ drugs companies’ Chief medical officers” GP’s entire press & media have totally shunned this research Why?

  9. andrew langham says:

    Aptamers ate binding carrier molecular complex proteins which are cheaper to manufacture than the equivalent antibodies and fade and release attached medical mabs drugs after 48 hours so are perfect for cancer drug delivery and do not interfere with the immune system as antibodies often do Aptamers work well with lactoferrin for cancer redaction which is low cost and safe during pregnancy;;also is effective against all viruses such as cancer viruses which spread the cancer ‘in a high dose example 2 grams per day’ also kills the Zika virus ‘ Dengue’ Cytomegalia and associate flavs’

  10. andrew langham says:

    the wolbachia toxin gene cif B found in phage viruses chromosomes increases the production of progesterone in the mosquito or insect thus conception cannot take place’ cifA reduces progesterone production thus conception can take place’ both genes acting together cancel their effects out; result normal progesterone levels are obtained; note that mr O’Neill’s researchers did not realize is that wolbachia toxin gene cif B affects embryonic progenitor neurons in both mosquito’s and humans altering RNA effectively it sterilizes male mosquito but the mosquito’s toxin altered RNA semen still has the ability to alter said progenitor neurons in the female mosquito’ and as the mosquito toxic sperm is carried in the salivral sac of her madeval proboscis she the bites a human male or female’ whereby if the lady is pregnant the semen of the mosquito can cross the placenta and get into progenitor cells’ thus causing microcephaly; the wolbachia toxins can also travel via the human male sperm neurons’ sperm is a mobile neuron’

  11. andrew langham says:

    update;- 19 march 2017 the wolbachia toxin gene cif B found in phage viruses chromosomes increases the production of progesterone in the mosquito or insect thus conception cannot take place’ cifA reduces progesterone production thus conception can take place’ both genes acting together cancel their effects out; result normal progesterone levels are obtained; note that mr O’Neill’s researchers did not realize is that wolbachia toxin gene cif B affects embryonic progenitor neurons in both mosquito’s and humans altering RNA effectively it sterilizes male mosquito but the mosquito’s toxin altered RNA semen still has the ability to alter said progenitor neurons in the female mosquito’ and as the mosquito toxic sperm is carried in the salivral sac of her madeval proboscis she then bites a human male or female’ whereby if the lady is pregnant the semen of the mosquito can cross the placenta and get into progenitor cells’ thus causing microcephaly; the wolbachia toxins can also travel via the human male sperm neurons’ sperm is a mobile neuron’ zika can also carry cif B toxin and sometimes causes microcephaly as does Dengue;

  12. andrew langham says:

    proteins which is really just a name for a bunch of molecules that make up amino acid chains of which we call peptides; some proteins travel to another part of the same cell’ others travel the entire body; proteins are tertiary folded amino acid chains coated with glycogen of which has identity terminal similar to amino peptides example an N terminal and a C terminal we write PN and PC’ these said proteins flow freely through the blood stream and randomly kinetically adjoin cells and are absorbed and de-absorbed continually in the outer layers of all cells’ its only when the correct linear pattern of PN ie protein N terminal is electrically stimulated’ this allow calcium ions to escort the protein in the golgi apparatus boat yard ready for docking onto the cells receptor nucleus where the PC terminal is dissolved’ the protein when successfully docked actions its message ie produce certain hormone etc’ after docking the entire protein peptides are consumed and evacuated by proteasomes; this is where nasty little viruses cause trouble example Zika stops proteasomes functioning in p53 proteins;
    Note;- bovine lactoferrin binds to the main zika protein that makes up the Zika virus tertiary amino lipid coating, regardless of pH, and locks these proteins into place, preventing the structural re-arangement changes required for the fusion step of infection. Without fusion of the virus to the 1st stage endosome, viral RNA’ DNA is prevented from entering the golgi apparatus for reproduction, and infection is blocked. this is why high sustained doses of bovine lactoferrin are required to substantiate protection within all cell membranes throughout the entire body;

  13. andrew langham says:

    update;- 20 march 2017 the wolbachia toxin gene cif B found in phage viruses chromosomes increases the production of progesterone in the mosquito or insect thus conception cannot take place’ cifA reduces progesterone production thus conception can take place’ both genes acting together cancel their effects out; result normal progesterone levels are obtained;

    note that mr O’Neill’s researchers did not realize is that wolbachia toxin gene cif B affects embryonic progenitor neurons in both mosquito’s and humans altering RNA effectively it sterilizes male mosquito but the mosquito’s toxin altered RNA semen still has the ability to alter said progenitor neurons in the female mosquito’ and as the mosquito toxic sperm is carried in the salivral sac of her mandible proboscis she then bites a human male or female’ whereby if the lady is pregnant the semen of the mosquito can cross the placenta and get into progenitor cells’ thus causing microcephaly;

    the wolbachia toxins can also travel via the human male sperm neurons’ sperm is a mobile neuron’ zika can also carry cif B toxin and sometimes causes microcephaly as does Dengue;

    note to WHO scientists wolbachia prevents zika being transmitted’ yes’ but the male mosquito sperm is still transferred to the female mosquito’ whereby can transfer the phage solitary toxic cifB gene which causes neuron damage in sperm RNA transfer’ thus causing mis-transcription in progenitor neuron cells in the fetus; whats been occurring is roaming plasmids have instigated phage viruses thus causing them to carry both zika genes and a ‘solitary’ cifB toxic gene’ note without the antidote cifA gene’ which then without doubt causes microcephaly’ these solitary toxic cifB gene ends up affecting human male sperm’ which then without the cifB gene present the sperms RNA then can cause microcephaly’ fact;

  14. andrew langham says:

    Salvador cluster is that pregnant women are co-infected with chikungunya or dengue virus as well as Zika’ .simply because wolbachia bacteria carrying the cifB gene lowers the female mosquito’s immune system irrespective of cifA gene maybe being accompanying’ so then the mosquito is easily infected with more than one virus example ;- Dengue and Zika or Chikungunya’ or all three; and then bites a human and transfers all or some of the as said stated viruses’ irrespective of whether the female mosquito lays eggs that do not hatch in more mosquito’s; Who scientists you are letting those tiny babies in Brazil and now California become ill with Microcephaly totally needlessly’

  15. andrew langham says:

    cifB gene in wolbachia within the mosquito is then known to cause over production of progesterone’ note well’ mrs chan ;- Progesterone Increases Susceptibility and Decreases Immune Responses especially in reproductive tracts’ in both the mosquito and humans’ hence the appearance microcephaly due to RNA neuron alteration of both mosquito sperm and human sperm’ once the neuron is corrupted in this way it is reciprocating process without the presence of cifB gene;

  16. andrew langham says:

    wolbachia hosting cifB genes which generates excessive Progesterone’ which note ;- inhibits mitosis of ovarian cells by increasing the stability of the mitotic spindle.
    Progesterone’s actions are dependent on the progesterone receptor PGRMC1’s function within the mitotic spindle’ note well that ‘cifB gene’ causes excessive progesterone within the mosquito which prevents second copies of the mitotic spindle’ so eggs do not hatch;
    note well if some essential fetal ovary cells are voided ie missing such as essential progenitor neuron scaffold cells then variable types of microcephaly is the end result in the female human when pregnant;

  17. andrew langham says:

    genes like cifA and cifB which sit side by side on a shared chromosome of a phage virus embedded in wolbachia bacteria; Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes. The rest of the genes are repressed, or turned off. The process of turning genes on and off is known as gene regulation. Gene regulation is an important part of normal development. but viruses can infiltrate our cells turning our genes on and off’
    note genes cifA and CifB can inhibit the mitotic spindle by turning on many progesterone genes and their receptors’ this causes mosquito reduction by repressing eggs hatching; however before this stage is reached the mosquito’s immune system is weakened by the presence excessive presence of progesterone so if the mosquito is carrying zika the virus and cifB are then more able to alter genes that control RNA and p53 thus the male mosquito still passes its delinquent sperm containing the corrupted RNA and disabled p53 RNA correction protein to the female mosquito’ she carries the delinquent sperm in her mandible tissue lining’ consequently when she bites a human the corrupt RNA gets into human male sperm and during intercourse gets passed to the lady who when becomes pregnant microcephaly is then a chance in one hundred s a result in the baby child;

  18. andrew langham says:

    update 23 march 2017 the final answer is the zika virus is capable of switching the gene cifA off ‘leaving the gne cif B turned on’ in the mosquito’ thus altering RNA in the mosquito and human sperm’ which when enters ovum causes neuron scaffold progenitor cells to mis-function’ when assembling the fetus’ which is the cause of microcephaly in new born babies;

  19. andrew langham says:

    MicroRNAs (miRNAs), the zika virus uses them to regulate the expression not only of their own genes, but also of host genes,” . “Because human cells also produce regulatory miRNAs,
    note;- the Zika viral 60 repeat amino acid molecules do not provoke an immune response’ its the miRNAs that zika turns off wolbachia phage carrying gene cifA ;
    What takes place is the mosquito carrying wolbachia cifA and cifB deposits her non hatching eggs or eggs that hatch into mosquito that are mutant sexully inert’ the female mother mosquito acquires zika’ The zika virus turns off cifA which leaves cifB to alter RNA in sperm as the female carries donated sperm in her mandible tissue; the mother mosquito bites a human and so the zika virus gets transferred along with the corrupted mosquito sperm’ which gets into human male sperm’

  20. andrew langham says:

    although its only male mosquitoes that are being released’ wolbachia is spread by phage viruses conveyed in sperm and saliva’ and many wild mosquitoes have wolbachia within them’ which carries the phage carrying cifA and cifB genes;

  21. andrew langham says:

    RNA Phages are a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium such as Wolbachia’ Bacteriophages are composed of proteins that encapsulate a DNA or RNA genome, and may have relatively simple or elaborate structures. Their genomes may encode as few as four genes, and as many as hundreds of genes. Phages replicate within the bacterium following the injection of their genome into its cytoplasm. Bacteriophages are among the most common and diverse entities in the biosphere. Zika lowers peoples immune systems’ this allows common bacteria containing phages that transcript rogue genes such as cifB which causes microcephaly; mosquito often expire in water so bacteria in the water are available to accept the plentiful supply of wolbachia phage cifA and CifB of which cif B is known to cause microcephaly;

    Phages are widely distributed in locations populated by bacterial hosts, such as soil or the intestines of animals and insects;

  22. andrew langham says:

    MY RESEARCH SHOWS ;- that cif B GENE human and insect is actually the controller of (TGF B 2) Transforming growth factor-beta 2 (TGF-β2) is a secreted protein known as a cytokine that performs many cellular functions and has a vital role during embryonic development’ note zika virus alters the regulation TGF B 2 in relation to neuroblast scaffold cells’ causing failure of crucial said cells’ resulting in brain mis-development in the assembly of the fetus;

  23. andrew langham says:

    adding wolbachia to mosquito’s into cytoplasm is extremely unwise mrs chan because zika and other viruses can switch off the phage cif A gene ‘regulatory gene’ leaving the dangerous B cif gene to produce proteins that affects progenitor neurons thus downgrades the TGF B2 zinc finger initiator hormone’ during embryonic development’ so fetal brain neurons do not develop correctly’ and so is a cause of microcephaly and other brain problems such guillain barre ; if google removes this then you are causing further harm to many children all over the world; andrewlangham”

  24. andrew langham says:

    Note;- cif genes are only found in humans in bacteria’ but can still cause human cell damage; the sequence assembly for each prophage region containing the cif gene was confirmed by PCR using two primers, one targeting the lom family gene of the lambdoid phages (lom-s; 5′-GTCTGAACATCAGTCCACGC-3′) and the other the ybhB gene (ybhB-s2; 5′-CTCATCAGTAACGATCTGCG-3′).

  25. andrew langham says:

    note;- some mosquito wolbachia infected eggs do hatch’ these are often the ones zika has affected switching prophage cif A off thus leaving cif B gene activated, thus the dangerous B cif gene to produce proteins that affects progenitor neurons thus downgrades the TGF B2 zinc finger initiator hormone’ during embryonic development’ so fetal brain neurons do not develop correctly’ and so is a cause of microcephaly and other brain problems such guillain barre ; if google removes this then you are causing further harm to many children all over the world; andrewlangham”

  26. andrew langham says:

    update;- 14 april 2017 note;- some mosquito wolbachia infected eggs do hatch’ these are often the ones zika has affected switching prophage cif A off thus leaving cif B gene activated, in male mosquito semen’ which gets transposed into female mosquito’s’ she then bites a human and so thus the dangerous B cif gene protein when in human gonads and ovaries affects progenitor neurons thus downgrades the TGF B2 zinc finger initiator hormone’ during embryonic development’ so fetal brain neurons do not develop correctly’ and so is a cause of microcephaly and other brain problems such guillain barre ; if google removes this then you are causing further harm to many children all over the world; andrewlangham”

  27. andrew langham says:

    anti-viral immune gene expression’ in mosquitoes infected with zika and wolbachia all types can turn off phage cif A genes’ the effects of which ie RNA can eventually through bites to humans which which periodically ie 1 in 10 cases can cause brain scaffold progenitor cells to mis-function in humans young ie fetus and adults’ note the culex mosquito it actually causes greater susceptibility to west nile’ and malaria’ it is great folly to inseminate mosquitoes with bacteria that alters sperm RNA and DNA even though you might have the very best good intentions to solve serious disease like Dengue’ zika’ malaria etc;

  28. andrew langham says:

    wolbachia forced into urban mosquito’s will cause every new born child that is affected by the Zika virus to have brain neuron deficiency’ this is because the zika virus and dengue can switch off the wolbachia cif A gene in mosquito’s leaving the cif B gene to cause TGF B2 zinc finger hormone  to affect brain scaffold neurons; the fact only male mosquito’s are released with wolbachia is irrelevant because the mosquito sperm carries the cif B alteration in the sperm’ this is then carried by the female mosquito’s  she then bites a human male or female and so the cytoplasmic sperm alteration ie the zika cif B amino TGF B2 zinc finger altering acid chain peptide affects human sperm and ovaries; fact;

  29. andrew langham says:

    wolbachia establish in insect hosts naturally because prophage viruses insert wolbachia genes’ along with genes that control compatibility naturally’ ie they do not have the cif A gene and cif B gene; consequently those infected’ their vectors are very slow’ unlike lab’ wolbachia inseminated mosquito’s

  30. andrew langham says:

    wolbachia bacteria have circular DNA molecules, called plasmids, that contain -essential genes. In general, a single bacterium will be replicating its DNA whenever possible (i.e., if “food” chemicals are present in an aqueous environment in the right temperature range).prophages can and do insert genes into the plasmids of the bacteria;

  31. andrew langham says:

    Wolbachia in mosquito’s when the mosquito’s body temperature rises above the wolbachia heat tolerance’ Wolbachia does not function in hot weather and does not survive’ fact’ this is why in Brazil microcephaly decreased in 2016

  32. andrew langham says:

    Cytomegalovirus activates interferon immediate-early response cif A gene expression and an interferon regulatory factor 3-containing interferon-stimulated response element-binding complex. zika switches cif A gene off’ thus no interferon attacks the zika virus’ this leaves cif B genes to cause microcephaly because it downgrades the action of TGF GROWTH FACTOR 2 so brain scaffold progenitor neurons fail causing brain disease and microcephaly’ absolute fact’

  33. andrew langham says:

    The first South American field trial of our Wolbachia method has begun in Brazil, with the initial releases of Wolbachia mosquitoes taking place in Tubiacanga.

    The community of Tubiacanga, in Rio de Janeiro, has shown strong support for the releases and joined our team in a celebration to mark the occasion on September 24, 2014. The event drew attention from news services locally and across Brazil, where dengue is a significant and growing health problem.

    We plan to release Wolbachia mosquitoes in our Tubiacanga field site once a week for approximately four months,

    note;- it takes approx 6 months to start reducing zika in mosquito’s using wolbachia bacteria’ therefor this timing coincides exactly with the zika virus which is capable of switching the wolbachia gene cifA off ‘leaving the gne cif B turned on’ in the mosquito’ thus altering RNA in the mosquito and human sperm’ which when enters ovum causes neuron scaffold progenitor cells to mis-function’ when assembling the fetus’ which is the cause of microcephaly in new born babies;

    note;- this after 9 to 12 months coincides exactly when microcephaly peaked in late November 2015 (week 47), an average of 23 weeks after the start of the epidemics of ZIKV infection and GBS

    note well microcephaly occurs in the first trimester due to zika switching off wolbachia cif A genes and thus leaving cif B genes to cause neuron scaffold progenitor cells to fail;
    most Doctors in Brazil now know this’ however the presence of zika is now reduced due to wolbachia so the future looks bright and OK after all the trouble it has caused;


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