Entries by melina

Zika Might Cause Brain Damage In Adults, Too

Although most risk associated with Zika so far has focused on infants, it turns out that adults might not be in the clear. Researchers from Rockefeller University and the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology say there’s evidence that Zika could inflict our brain’s stem cells, even as adults. Read more Although ZIKV is […]

Outbreak of Zika in India, 2018

India has recorded its biggest outbreak of Zika virus to date (October 12th), with 32 cases confirmed in Jaipur, capital of the western state of Rajasthan. The number of suspected cases cannot be estimated, said Veenu Gupta, the Additional Chief Secretary of the Medical and Health & Family Welfare Department for the state, adding that […]

The A-Z of Zika drug discovery

A comprehensive A-Z review of the recent advances in ZIKV drug discovery efforts is presented, highlighting drug repositioning and computationally guided compounds, including discovered viral and host cell inhibitors. Promising ZIKV molecular targets are also described and discussed, as well as targets belonging to the host cell, as new opportunities for ZIKV drug discovery. All […]

A single mutation in the prM protein of Zika virus contributes to fetal microcephaly

Phylogenetic analysis reveals that contemporary epidemic strains have accumulated multiple substitutions from their Asian ancestor. Here, we show that a single serine to asparagine substitution (S139N) in the viral polyprotein substantially increased ZIKV infectivity in both human and mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs), led to more significant microcephaly in the mouse fetus, and higher mortality […]

Mutação fez vírus da zika se tornar causador de microcefalia

Para um grupo de cientistas chineses, foi uma mutação genética, provavelmente ocorrida em 2013, que deu ao agente patógeno o potencial de causar deformações neurológicas graves. Cientistas brasileiros, da Europa, EUA e Canadá já haviam identificado sete mutações específicas de vírus da zika espalhados pelo Brasil. Entre elas, estava a mutação S139N. Trata-se da substituição de […]

Fiocruz descobre que pernilongo pode transmitir zika

Os resultados foram publicados hoje (9) na revista Emerging microbes & infections, do grupo Nature. O artigo é intitulado “Zika virus replication in the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus in Brazil” e pode ser encontrado na íntegra na internet. Os mosquitos do gênero Culex foram colhidos na Região Metropolitana do Recife, já infectados. A equipe do Departamento […]

Por que os casos de zika e dengue estão despencando no Brasil

“Vemos epidemias de dengue há cerca de 30 anos e ficamos refratários a ouvir falar sobre a doença. Com o zika, realmente saímos da zona de conforto, ficou clara a importância do controle doméstico do mosquito, e acredito que houve uma reação mais forte do poder público e da esfera privada” Denise Valle Instituto Oswaldo […]