
WHO confirms Zika virus strain imported from the Americas to Cabo Verde

Sequencing of the virus in Cabo Verde by Institut Pasteur, Dakar confirms that the Zika virus currently circulating in Cabo Verde is the same as the one circulating in the Americas – the Asian type- and was most likely imported from Brazil. This is the first time that the Zika strain responsible for the outbreaks linked to neurological disorders and microcephaly has been detected in Africa.

“The findings are of concern because it is further proof that the outbreak is spreading beyond South America and is on the doorstep of Africa. This information will help African countries to re-evaluate their level of risk and adapt and increase their levels of preparedness,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.


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Estados Unidos aprovam lei que libera fundos para combater Zika

O Senado e a Câmara dos Estados Unidos aprovaram projetos de lei que liberam fundos para combater o Zika vírus no país.


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Zika virus concept photo with test tube on black background

UC San Diego helps in search for Zika treatment

The UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences announced Thursday the launch of a study that will use computers and mobile devices of volunteers to screen potential drug candidates for the Zika virus.

The OpenZika project will work with IBM’s World Community Grid, which provides massive amounts of free computing power to scientists. It does this by harnessing the unused power of volunteers’ computers and Android devices, according to UCSD.


UCSD Joins IBM World Community Grid’s Search for Zika Treatment

IBM’s World Community Grid and scientists from Brazil, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California San Diego, and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School have launched OpenZika, a project to find drug candidates to treat Zika, a fast spreading virus that the World Health Organization has declared a global public health emergency.


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UCSD Using Giant Computer Network to Search for Zika Drugs

“The best part of this project is that it’s truly open — we will share all of the data we gather with the research community and general public, further accelerating Zika virus research,” Siqueira-Neto said. “What’s more, researchers not already participating in OpenZika are invited to submit proposals to receive free computing power to support additional Zika projects.”


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UC San Diego Joins IBM World Community Grid’s Search for Zika Treatment

Drug discovery scientist teams up with crowdsourced research project.

IBMs World Community Grid and scientists from Brazil, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California San Diego, and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School have launched OpenZika, a project to find drug candidates to treat Zika, a fast spreading virus that the World Health Organization has declared a global public health emergency.


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IBM fornece poder computacional para pesquisar vírus Zika

Em parceria com Universidade Federal de Goiás, projeto possibilita que qualquer pessoa que possua PC ou dispositivo móvel contribua com processamento da pesquisa.

A IBM, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) e apoio da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), anunciou que irá fornecer poder computacional para ajudar em pesquisas para desenvolvimento de fármacos para a cura do Zika – vírus de rápida propagação declarado como emergência global de saúde pública pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS).


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Help an International Research Team Fight the Zika Virus

“In 2015, I started a project in collaboration with Dr. Sean Ekins, a pharmacologist with extensive research experience, to focus on the development of computational models to identify active compounds against the dengue virus, which is a serious mosquito-borne disease found throughout the world. These active compounds could become candidates for antiviral drugs. We are now at the stage of selecting compounds to start laboratory tests. In January of 2016, when the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil became alarming, Sean and I decided to expand our dengue research, and we included the Zika virus in our work, since these two diseases are from the same family of viruses.”


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UFG apresenta projeto que busca medicamento contra Zika vírus

Por meio de aplicativo, qualquer pessoa pode se cadastrar e contribuir para celeridade das pesquisas.

A Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) apresentou nesta quinta-feira (19) o projeto Open Zika, que é realizado em parceria com a World Community Grid (WCG), da IBM. O objetivo é unir esforços de instituições nacionais e internacionais para identificar substâncias com potencial para tratar o Zika vírus.


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