IBM’s World Community Grid launches search for new Zika treatment

The OpenZika project is inviting anyone with a computer or Android device to run an app on their Windows, Mac or Linux devices that automatically performs virtual experiments for scientists whenever the machines are otherwise idle. Through the project, the World Community Grid will power virtual experiments on computers that could form the basis of antiviral drugs to cure Zika virus. The process dramatically increases production speeds compared to a normal laboratory setting while screening compounds from existing molecule databases against models of Zika protein and crystal structures.


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Anyone with a computer can now help scientists find a cure for the Zika virus

A new online virtual experiment led by Rutgers University researchers could help find the cure for the Zika virus by using math and donated computer power.

With nearly a month away from the first day of summer, scientists across the world are concerned about what the warmer weather will bring.

The virus is spread primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito and is suspected to be the leading cause of microcephaly, a disease that has led to the birth of thousands of babies with underdeveloped brains.

In a worldwide effort, a team of scientists are extending their research power by using technology to find a cure.


#OpenZika project: Help IBM’s World Community Grid fight the Zika virus

IBM’s World Community Grid has recently launched the #OpenZika project. The platform which encourages volunteers to turn their personal computers and Android mobile phones and tablets already has the support of roughly 750,000 people, as well as 470 institutions across 80 nations. In short, all you need to do is download an app and allow researchers to (quietly) run calculations on your devices.


Generan proyecto colaborativo contra el zika

IBM World Community Grid y un equipo global de científicos invitaron a cualquier persona con una computadora o un dispositivo Android, a participar en el Proyecto OpenZika, el cual identificará fármacos para la cura de este virus, considerado ya por la OMS como un problema de salud pública.

Los participantes aclara IBM “no necesitan destinar tiempo, experiencia o dinero para ayudar, sólo se corre una aplicación en sus computadoras -con Windows, OS X, Linux- o teléfonos con Android, la cual realizará experimentos virtuales mientras los dispositivos están en modo inactivo”.

Virus ZiKa: progetto di ricerca alimentato dal World Community Grid di IBM

Grazie all’IBM World Community Grid, gli scienziati stanno lanciando uno studio internazionale per identificare i farmaci candidabili alla cura di Zika, un virus in rapida diffusione, che l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha dichiarato un’emergenza di salute pubblica a livello globale.

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IBM uses supercomputing power for Zika research

Users can contribute to the OpenZika project led by the company in partnership with Brazilian universities by “donating” device computing power through an app.


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UFG coordena pesquisa global sobre o vírus Zika

A UFG, em parceria com o World Community Grid, da IBM, e cientistas de vários países, lançou, nesta quinta-feira (19/5), um estudo que poderá identificar possíveis medicamentos antivirais para a combater o vírus Zika. O projeto OpenZika é coordenado pela professora da Faculdade de Farmácia da UFG (FF), Carolina Horta, que afirmou vivermos uma crise global de Zika e apontou essa preocupação mundial como motivação a buscar parcerias para iniciar o estudo. O projeto possibilita que qualquer pessoa que possua um computador ou dispositivo móvel contribua com o processamento da pesquisa.


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IBM to Fight Zika with World Community Grid

“Enlisting the help of World Community Grid volunteers will enable us to computationally evaluate over 20 million compounds in just the initial phase and potentially up to 90 million compounds in future phases,” said Carolina Horta Andrade, Ph.D., adjunct professor at the Federal University of Goiás in Brazil and the lead researcher on the OpenZika project. “Running the OpenZika project on World Community Grid will allow us to greatly expand the scale of our project, and it will accelerate the rate at which we can obtain the results toward an antiviral drug for the Zika virus.”


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IBM busca cura para vírus Zika

O World Community Grid da IBM, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) e apoio da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), lançou estudo que poderá identificar possíveis fármacos para a cura do Zika, um vírus de rápida propagação declarado como emergência global de saúde pública pela Organização Mundial da Saúde.

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Zika Cases In U.S. Pregnant Women Nears 300

There are 279 pregnant women in the United States and in U.S. territories who have Zika, health officials announced on Friday. There are 157 women pregnant women with the virus in the continental United States and 122 infected pregnant women in U.S. territories.

The new numbers are from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Zika pregnancy registry systems in the U.S. and in Puerto Rico. The new numbers include all pregnant women who have had laboratory confirmation of a Zika infection regardless of whether they had symptoms or not.


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